Coconut Cream Making Guide


This is how you make coconut cream.


Pre measures:

  • It is easier to juice coconuts if your house is at a higher temperature. If your house is cold, then the coconuts are cold, which makes it harder to extract the juice.

  • Furthermore, the older the coconuts are, the harder it is to extract the cream out of them. If they are fresh coconuts it’s a lot easier to extract the cream because less of the water has penetrated the coconut flesh.

Some of the ways to determine freshness are…

  • The more water content in the coconut, the fresher it is

  • The sweeter the water (usually) means the older the coconut is. Sometimes the water is also bitter, which means the coconut is old and rotten.

  • Visible mold on the outer shell or outer white flesh of the coconut.

Step 1 (buying coconuts) :


You want to go to an Asian market or a market/grocery store with a high product turnover rate. The reason for this is so the coconuts are fresh. If it’s a smaller store, or even some of the larger chains like Walmart, they might have multiple storage facilities and processes before the coconuts come onto the shelves. They might be either already old or have been sitting on the store shelves for quite awhile.

So, Asian markets or similar markets with large product turnover rates to ensure the freshest coconuts.

Check to make sure they have no mold, are lighter brown in colour and have a pointed edge.

For some reason, the ones with a pointed edge are less lightly to be spoiled.

Step 2 (Break Open The Coconuts)


Take a hammer or blunt object and hit the coconut go to the pointed edge of the coconut.

Hit the coconut in 3 points by the pointed edge in triangular sections.

Hit them repeatedly until you break off a small fraction off the hard outer shell and then break into the coconut flesh to see the water.

Step 3 (Pour The Coconut Water Into a Jar or Container)


Take a sip/smell out of the coconut water to see if it’s good.

Simply, if it tastes good and sweet, then the coconut is good.

If it tastes soapy, rotten, bitter, like chemicals or not good in any way, then the coconut is probably not good.

If it tastes kinda off, but it tastes kinda sweet then it might be good-ish. In that case, you might be able to juice it still, it’s up to you.

If it tastes bad, then I would recommend throwing the coconut out because it will “taint” the whole batch of coconut cream making it not taste good.

If it’s good, pour it into a jar. If it’s bad, then pour it out.

Step 4 (Break Open Coconuts With a Hammer)


Take all of your coconuts onto a hard surface: concrete floor, driveway, etc. Preferably somewhere you don’t mind getting dirty, but you can sweep it up.

I break them open on a cutting board on the ground because it’s easier to bring them back inside that way.

I simply place the coconuts on the cutting board and smash them with a hammer.

You don’t have to completely smash them, at the very least breaking them in half or breaking off the outer shell.

Step 5 (Remove Outer Shell With Oyster Knife)

You would preferably use an oyster knife for this, but you can use a regular knife worst case scenario if you don’t have one. You’d probably want to use a broad large one to have the most force to scoop it out.

Aajonus even recommends wearing gloves when using an oyster knife (which is dull) so if you use a knife please don’t cut yourself and I can’t recommend it.

Place coconuts on cutting board, take the oyster knife and scoop out all the coconut flesh from the coconut.

Step 6 (Cut Coconut Into 1” Cubes)


Cut all of the coconut into 1” cubes on a cutting board with a sharp knife. I cut them into long slices horizontally, then cut those sliced vertically altogether.

Step 7 (Food Process Into Tiny Pieces)

Place all the 1” coconut pieces into the food processor and blend them up. Don’t fill it right to the top or they will not all blend evenly. I was able to fit 3 medium sized coconuts into the food processor (barely).

Blend the coconut for 10-15 seconds until it’s into tiny pieces, but not too fine. You don’t want it to be like dust. If it’s too fine and the cream is harder then usual to extract, it will not warm up the juicer properly and will be hard to push through.

Step 8 (Juice The Coconuts)


Put all the grinded coconut pieces into either a large bowl, or a few regular sized bowls.

Assemble juicer, put tiny cap on back of juicer to extract as much juice as possible. Place the glass measuring cup underneath to capture the juice and a bowl to capture the pulp.

Also, place a compost bin/large bowl to dump the discarded pulp or have a few empty bowls on standby for the pulp.

Fill up the hopper with coconut chunks, leave the back cap on and press it down with the wooden stick.

Keep an eye on how much oil/moisture is in the coconut as it passes through the back shoot.

If the coconuts aren’t fresh, much of the water will have already been absorbed into the coconut flesh, which makes it harder to extract.

If this is the case, you may have wanted to warm up the coconuts before putting them through the juicer.

If the fibre that is coming through feels very moist/wet/oily then that means a lot of the oil isn’t being extracted from the fibre. I would suggest keeping the back cap on if this is the case.

Just keep passing the coconut through until you fill 1/2 to 1 full bowl with the discarded fibre and then just keeping recycling the fibre through the juicer until you either see (a) - the fibre is coming out warm/dry or (b) - lots of cream is coming out of the pulp.

This means the juicer has warmed up enough to heat up the coconut fibre enough to extract the cream. If you just pass it through one time and don’t pay attention to the oilyness or how much cream is coming through you may be wasting lots of coconut.

Although, if the coconuts are fresh and you are getting lots of cream and the fibre is coming out warm/dry then you are pretty much set. You could pass the fibre through one more time or so at the end to see if you can get more cream out of it or just only pass it through the one time.

Step 9 (Juicing Cycle)

Assuming the coconut is coming through properly and the fibre is coming out dry, this is the process of juicing.

  • Fill up the hopper with coconut chunks

  • Press it down with the wooden stick

  • The cream will come out the bottom and the juicer will start to get full of pulp. You will hear it start to creak and work hard.

  • 5 - 10 seconds or so after you have pressed down all the coconut chunks you should remove and twist off the back cap to let all the coconut fibre pass through. The reason is all the fibre will get stuck inside the juicer with the back cap on and the juicer will break. Although, if you completely remove the back cap at all times, all the cream won’t be extracted from the pulp.

  • Wait 5 - 10 seconds or so for the pulp to pass through. If it all passed through and there isn’t too much pulp blockading the back cap hole, then twist the back cap back on. It’s up to you how much you want to twist it on. You can do a few twists or fully. The more moist the fibre coming out, the tighter you want it.

  • If the back cap hole is too blocked with pulp, then fill maybe 1/4 - 1/3rd of the hopper with coconut chunks and press it down without the back cap on to push the fibre through.

  • Then put the back cap and resume the regular juicing cycle of cap on, fill hopper, press through, wait, remove back cap, wait, fill hopper, etc.

Step 10 (Evaluate Results)



Once all the coconut has been pressed through, it’s up to you to determine if you have juiced it properly.

I got slightly under 3 cups of coconut cream per 3 medium coconuts. So, that means I got about 1 cup per 1 medium coconut.

If you are getting significantly less than that, maybe you are getting very little at all, then feel the pulp to see how moist it is. Try passing the pulp through 1 - 2 more times to see if you can get more cream out of it.

Maybe it’s your juicer. I am using the Greenstar Elite 2, which is one of the best juicers for anything, but especially for coconuts.

What makes it so special is the twin gears retain much more of the nutrients, rather than the high speed grind blenders, which oxidizes the nutrients.

It’s possible that other juicers are able to extract more juice/cream or do it faster I’m not sure. But you may risk losing nutrients depending on how the juicer works.

In summary of this point, I used to use shitty juicers to make coconut cream and it was a total waste. You waste money on coconuts and time because you get much less cream from the coconuts. So, you should probably just buy a Greenstar juicer.

Step 11 (Mix Lime)

The lime is there to help preserve the coconut cream in the fridge for a longer period.

The exact ratio is as follows…

1 cup coconut cream - 1/2 tsp (teaspoon) lime juice.

So, I had 3 cups of coconut cream, so I mixed 1.5 tsps of lime juice into it before putting it into jars and into my fridge.

One lime has approx 4 tsps of lime juice in it.

This works because lime prevents bacterial growth, but it shouldn’t affect you negatively because the amount is so little.

What Can You Do With Coconut Cream?

The purpose of coconut cream is to detoxify the body. It is 80% - 90% detoxifying, and it detoxes: vegetable oils, mercury, old toxic fats, aluminum, etc, but it needs to be consumed with an animal fat to help bring the toxins out of the body safely and it can be consumed with other foods to cause it to detoxify certain things. For example, if you eat it with raspberries, it will detox light metals like aluminum, and if you mix it with dark berries, like blueberries, then it will detox heavy metals, like mercury.

You shouldn’t overdo it on coconut cream, especially if you don’t have excess body fat because it’s very detoxing and will burn the animal fats in the body.

Coconut cream will not be able to settle the nervous system like dairy cream or build the body like butter.

Body Care

You can also use coconut cream for various body care methods, which is actually the only reason I juiced it today. I’m not too worried about detox right now because I’ve already been feeling quite sick. So, I juiced it to use as toothpaste with a mixture of terramin clay. It works great to break down plaque on the teeth and the coconut cream helps to whiten the teeth.

I also use it for my skin. You can rub it on the skin to break things down, such as: wrinkles, skin growths (to a certain extent) and it will help lighten the skin if you want to become more pale.

You can use it in your hair as a shampoo or on your body as a soap. It will make your hair quite oily, so don’t use too much and make sure to mix water with it. Also, I personally found using it as a body wash it kind of starts to ferment and doesn’t smell great, but idk.


Coconut cream making is a lot of work. Next time I will set a timer to see how long it takes me and I’ll add it here.

It is definitely worth it because it’s one of the best detoxification methods. Last time I ate a 3 cup+ mixture of coconut cream and blueberries I was super sick the next day constantly sneezing, etc.

The mct oils are a great energy, but the problem is they burn the animal fats. But I get pretty good energy from it.

It is great for skincare and certain hygiene practices.

I would highly recommend you put the time into making it, if even once every few months.

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